How to build confidence with eye contact.

Start practicing your eye contact. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, here are a few tips:

  1. Lock both of your eyes on one eye of the other person if you feel uncomfortable having a direct gaze at both of their eyes
  2. If you're still uncomfortable making direct eye contact you can focus on one eyebrow of the other person, since it's close enough to their eyes they'll assume you're looking in their eyes even though you aren't
  3. Make eye contact a habit. You can do this by practicing making eye contact for a few seconds with strangers. The point is to make it a habit so it becomes automatic.


Your social skills and confidence are intertwined, by actively working on improving these aspects of your life, you'll find yourself feeling naturally confident in social situations.
In order to improve your confidence, use the strategies we discussed like visualization, power poses and becoming aware of what is going on in your mind.
When it comes to approaching people, remember that first impressions matter. The goal of approaching people is to make them feel comfortable and important. You can do this by using small talk, making sure you look presentable and maintaining eye contact.


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